Support Our Work is an initiative produced and managed by Autisans Ltd.

Autisans supports people affected by autism, disability or at risk of social isolation. With your help, we can provide support to people of all ages to fulfil their potential by learning artisan, conservation and life skills which protect our heritage for the future and helps them become self sustainable.

Support us with your donation

Please click here to make a donation to The Autisans Skills Fund.

Make a Donation via Paypal

You can also donate by standing order, direct bank transfer or cheque (payable to ‘Autisans Ltd’). Ask us for our Bank details.

Please Note:

Kinmel Hall is in private ownership. Autisans Ltd is not the owner of Kinmel Hall and does not have any connection with them. They have not been involved in producing this website. Any donations through this site are made to The Autisans Skills Fund.

Why Donate

A recent report by the UK Office for National Statistics revealed only 20% of people who are autistic gain employment. We aim to change this and help them gain skills which help them earn an income.

We envisage a future where their quality of life and prospects are improved supported by a structured and reliable framework where they can develop themselves and their skills at their own pace.

We seek to ensure no eligible applicant is prevented from attending skills training courses because of financial limitations.

Your generosity and support will help ensure there is access to learning for artisan and traditional skills which can be put to use preserving heritage for the future and allows people with special needs to be self sustainable.

We receive no statutory funding. Our organisation is sustained by private donations from a range of individual and charitable donors, sponsors and patrons.

How your donation supports our work

By making a one-off donation or a regular donation you are joining a community of like minded individuals all working together towards a better life for autistic people, their families, friends, carers and those with special needs.

The artisan, conservation and life skills they learn can help protect and conserve our heritage whilst enabling them to generate earned incomes.

Together we can make a huge difference. Give the gift of a brighter future. Make your donation today.

Support us by becoming a Friend or Sponsor

As a friend you help to fund our work and can get involved in projects, attend workshops and similar.

As a sponsor you can get your logo featured on our website and in our digital publications. You can also get involved in projects, deliver workshops and influence important decisions.

To Become a Friend simply choose the option to make a regular donation in the form.

To Become a Sponsor send an email to or pick up the phone for a chat.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax-payer Gift Aid can be claimed on the amount. Just tick the box when you donate.


If you would like to leave a legacy in your Will, we would love to hear from you. Legacies are free of inheritance tax, and are an increasingly popular, tax-effective way of giving.

Thank you. Your help will do much to help future participants and help us to achieve our charitable goals.

Become a Patron

Our Patrons are individuals who generously give significant donations to support our charitable work. They often help with specific appeals or directly support our administrative or education grants funds.

We are extremely grateful to all those who contribute significant donations to our charitable work in this way. Wherever appropriate our patrons are publicly acknowledged.

If you would like to become a patron or contribute to support a project or a cause please email us or give us a call. We will look forward to hearing from you.


Autisans Ltd
Antiques Triangle
120 Chester Street
Birkenhead, Wirral
CH41 5DL
United Kingdom

Please Note:

We do not accept visitors at our premises without a prior appointment.

Support us with your donation

Please click here to make a donation to The Autisans Skills Fund.

Make a Donation via Paypal

You can also donate by standing order, direct bank transfer or cheque (payable to ‘Autisans Ltd’).